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Optical System Development

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Whether simple or highly complex, your optical system comes to life
with tailored development services for your company needs.

2 engineers working on the system development

Every optical system is unique.
So is our development process

Optical systems can be as simple as a single element, or as complex as a multi-level hierarchy of systems, with many interconnected subsystems working together to support a high level of functionality. Whatever type of optical system you strive for, we’ll tailor the development to match. 



Building your
optics foundation

Larger companies often have their own optics departments to handle the development load. For smaller companies with limited resources, the task may be too great. In cases such as these, we can be your optical enabler, building the foundation for expert optical system development in a timely and efficient way.

Outsource your optical
division to the experts

If your company does not have an optics division, we can take on the challenge for you. The Joya team will act as your dedicated development team, leading the complex project at every stage from the ground up, from optical system architecture to engineering of optical systems,
full validation, optical prototyping and transfer to optical manufacturing and production.



Optics innovation,‘packaged’ for you

Joya tailors optical system development services for you
in the precise package you need. We’ll take the lead for complex system development until your company is ready to take over and execute, at any point along the way. Whether you are focused on the development of electro-optics, holographic optics, AR optics and lens design, display technology, polarization optics and so much more, we will be yourare the path to successful optics innovation.

The Joy-a of optical system development services

From ideation to benchmarking, specifications and engineering, Joya leads the way with
a full complement of optical system development services, packaged according to your needs:

Optical systems architecture
and ideation

Market surveys
and benchmarking

Use case-based requirements specifications

system development


Full suite of optical engineering services and management

Management of subcontractors 

Documentation and data management

and validation processes

Who benefits from Joya optical system development services?

Joya optical systems development customers come to us at various stages of their optics innovation journey,
for comprehensive guidance and management of development processes:

Optical manufacturing companies that want
to develop their own optical products on
a system level

Mechanical and opto-mechanical design and manufacturing companies seeking cooperation in the development of optical products

Growing companies that need to expand fast and build a foundation for their optical division

Companies with funding for optical system prototypes, who need to establish more regulated engineering and development processes 

Optical Terms Library for AR/VR/MR Systems – FOV

FOV specifies the angular range of the projected image to the user’s eye,
when the image is projected to infinity...

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